HECTOR FERNANDEZ (Barcelona 1969)
About me.
HECTOR FERNANDEZ (Barcelona 1969)
I have always been surrounded by pencils and paints. For me, drawing and painting has been and is a fundamental and vital activity, I come from a family professionally dedicated to art creation, my father Fernando Fernández (Barcelona 1940-2010) was an outstanding figure in the world of Comic and Illustration.
After my Bachelor of Fine Arts, Painting speciality, at the University of Barcelona in 1994, I moved to the family studio where I develop my pictorial work professionally. From 2000 to 2009 I was part of the Cercle Artístic de Sant Lluc (*) where I studied the human figure in depth.
After more than forty individual and group exhibitions and several international awards, in 2009 and to date I have my studio-gallery open to the public in the center of Barcelona, where I continue my pictorial career and made commissioned creations.
My drawings and paintings are present i museums and private art collections around the world. I have the pleasure of meeting most of my clients, for me this is the best of the prizes.
*Cultural institution dedicated to artistic practice, founded in 1893 among others by the brilliant architect Antoni Gaudí.
About my artwork.
Throughout my career as a painter I have dealt with deep themes such as the assage of time and planned obsolescence and at other times my atworks are less conceptual and aesthetics simply take procedence over the concept. I have always lived in the city of Barcelona. A good part of the motifs that I paint are the result of walking and contemplating scenes and corners of the city of often go unnoticed by most passers-by. We live fast in a world in constant movement, today more than ever we are surrounded by images. So must of us rarely take enough time to contemplate, analyze and understand these images.
Regarding the use of digital tools and Virtual Reality, I find it interesting how I can introduce my drawings and paintings in an artificial environment. At the moment I am a neophyte on the subject but I recognize that a new universe is opening up for us, in fact I am beginning to make illustrations where there is a traditional component mixed with digital art.